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European Congress in San Ignacio «The Art of Embracement»

European Congress in San Ignacio «The Art of Embracement»: Identity and Relationship»
Promoted by the FAMI, by the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs and by the Italian Ministry of Education, this initiative stems from a larger context in which teacher training towers above as a determinant factor in education. Specifically, the congress has been organised as a result of the international cooperation projects that our institution has developed with Liceo Marconi and with Comitato 3 ottobre, which have served to thoroughly address aspects such as interculturality or immigration from a truly humane perspective.

Congress dossier. The Art of Embracement. ENGLISH.pdf


The theme of embracement and encounter are an essential part of our educational mission.
The opportunity to have a reading of this theme, referring to the specific situation of migrations, will help us to understand the current situation in Europe and to reflect on the value of identity and the relationship with the other.
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